Moderation Commands
Comprehensive reference for all moderation-related commands in Central Bot.
Basic Moderation
Moderate MembersIssues a warning to a user
Usage: /warn user reason
Moderate MembersTemporarily mutes a user
Usage: /timeout user duration reason
Kick MembersKicks a user from the server
Usage: /kick user reason
Ban MembersBans a user from the server
Usage: /ban user reason
Infraction Management
infraction issue
High Rank+Issues an infraction to staff member
Usage: /infraction issue target reason punishment notes
infraction list
High Rank+Views user infractions
Usage: /infraction list target
infraction remove
High Rank+Removes an infraction
Usage: /infraction remove target case
Moderation Logs
modlogs view
Manage GuildViews moderation logs for a user
Usage: /modlogs view user
modlogs remove
Manage GuildRemoves a moderation log entry
Usage: /modlogs remove id
modlogs guild
Manage GuildViews server-wide moderation logs
Usage: /modlogs guild
Channel Management
topic change
Manage MessagesChanges the channel topic
Usage: /topic change [topic]
API Integration Commands
Moderator Commands:
:kick [player] [reason] - Kick from game server
:warn [player] [reason] - Warn in game
:mute [player] [time] - Mute in game
Administrator Commands:
:ban [player] [reason] - Game server ban
:shutdown - Shut down server
:announce [message] - Server announcement
Anti-Ping Protection
Anti-ping configuration options:
• Protected Roles (up to 3)
• Bypass Roles (up to 6)
• Action Types:
- Verbal Warning
- Warning
- Timeout (1-720 minutes)
Ban Appeal Management
Creates ban appeal button
Usage: -appeal
Ban appeals require proper configuration of appeals channel and roles.
Permission Requirements
Command Permission Levels:
• Basic Commands : Moderate Members
• Kick Commands : Kick Members
• Ban Commands : Ban Members
• Infractions : High Rank+
• Logs : Manage Guild
• API Commands : Configured Roles
Moderation Notes
Important considerations when using moderation commands:
- Always provide clear reasons for actions
- Use appropriate punishment levels
- Check user roles before moderation
- Document significant incidents
- Review logs regularly
Some actions cannot be undone. Use moderation commands carefully.