Central Changelog

Showing previous updates, with most recent at the top!

Version 2.1.1 (Minor) CURRENT

  • Emergency bug fixes from 2.1.0
  • Live playercount was experiencing issues with rednering, this has now been rectified and live playercounts will load the next time a session is started
  • Added new Timezone command! You can get the current time in another time zone quickly!
  • Update help command.

Version 2.1.0 (Major)

    🔔 ⠀New Additions⠀
    • Autorole for new members! Found in Welcome Message Configuration (optional).
    • Automated Session Scheduling! Schedule session starts and votes up to 2 days in advance! (session schedule start and /session schedule vote)
    • Automated Event Scheduling! Schedule Paid Ads up to 7 days in advance! (/event create, /event cancel, and /event manage)
    • Readded economy! Now with more slash commands, a nice interface to manage it, and the ability to customize intervals for items as well as the cooldowns for the work and rob commands!
    • Upgraded Ban Appeals! You can now customize the TWO questions for ban appeals in the configuration tab!

    💎 ⠀Premium Additions
    • Schedule up to 7 days in advance with Automated Session Scheduling!
    • Unlock more than just the "Paid Ad" type for Automated Event Scheduling!
    • Inventory limits can be set to any number (see below for more).

    ⭐ ⠀ Changes
    • Fixed major bugs and issues from 2.0.0
    • Other users' LOAs can now be force ended by High Ranks
    • Economy management commands are now accessible to anyone with the Manage Server permission, not just High Ranks.
    • Items in the economy now have inventory limits; your options (without premium) are 1 or 5 per person.

    Version 2.0.5 (Minor)

    • Fixed major bugs within the LOA system that no one reported :/
    • All old LOA's were prevented from ending unless cancelled, and the bot could not remove the LOA role. If a LOA ended in your server with a role not being removed, sorry for the inconvenience.

    Version 2.0.4 (Minor)

    • Bug fixes to premium configuration
    • Readded /premium (abandoned in rewrite for some reason :/)
    • Updated all emojis in /config

    Version 2.0.3 (Minor)

    • Major bug fix for custom embeds
    • Major bug fix for LOA's
    • And other, less important bug fixes.

    Version 2.0.2 (Minor)

    • Added Staff Badges for Central staff members 🎉
    • If a Central staff member is -whois'd, it will now show a badge with their current rank here, as a token of appreciation.

    • Added a very, very simple -serverinfo command! This will show basic information about the server it is ran in. (accepting suggestions for bettering this command)

    Version 2.0.1 (Minor)

    • Major bug fixes from 2.0.0
    • Added new status messages that can be enabled by developers. These allow issues, such as the PRC API being down, to be given a special down message, instead of just saying "Loading..." for all eternity.

    Version 2.0.0 (Release)

      ⭐ ⠀ Changes
      • /config now uses menus and modals instead of typing! The configuration process is also more user-friendly and easy to interact with.
      • Complete removal of BOLOs
      • Added "issuer" to infractions (old infractions will not show an issuer)
      • Some commands have been moved to slash-only, prefix-only, or both.
      • Some commands may have been accidentally left out. Please report any commands we missed.
      • Economy will be disabled until a future update 👀
      • Code now runs on discord.js v14 (nerd talk for better code)
      • Bot is now sharded, meaning the bot made clones of itself to work as a team and make Central faster!

      Version 1.9.6 (Minor)

      • Revamped /help
      • Added missing commands, and removed deprecated ones!
      • Revamped Command Page

      Version 1.9.5 (Minor)

      • Added the ability to run MULTIPLE giveaways at once!
      • Bug fixes

      Version 1.9.4 (Minor)

      • Added a Ban Appeal Blacklist role to the configuration (OPTIONAL). 🎉
      • This will prevent people with the role from creating ban appeals in case of abuse.

      • Fixed a bug causing all Direct Messages for session starts to fail, now users who vote will be directly messaged correctly on session start.

      Version 1.9.3 (Minor)

      • Added /loa manage 🎉 (Suggested by @dubs )
      • Manage / cancel your LOA from one panel!

      • Added the long awaited "Refresh" button to the /erlc statistics command (Suggested by @kvvller and @klgzbhgghl )

      Version 1.9.2 (Minor)>

      • Fixed a bug causing LOA's to not end properly. This was carried over from a development test of the system, and should now work as intended.
      • Made the bot attempt to DM the user when their LOA concludes.

      Version 1.9.1 (Minor)

      • Added Custom Pinging to Ban Appeals 🎉 (Does require reconfiguration, but it is optional.)
      • Website navbar bug fixes.
      • Await issue bug fixes.
      • And other, non important bug fixes.

      Version 1.9.0 (Major)

        🔔 ⠀New Additions
        • Ban appeals - preset questions (Configuration needed!)
        • Request embed customization (Configuration needed!)
        • Added LOA's! 🎉 - Needs configuration, and allows people to request an LOA!
        • Added new blacklisting feature to further enforce Central's Terms of Service. (Section 6 ~ Termination)
        • This is a Central Staff only feature, allowing our staff to "Terminate" someone's access to bot commands / systems.

        ⭐ ⠀ Changes
        • If someone voted for a session and the session begins, those who voted will be directly messaged!
        • Added a Live Player Count to session start embeds on servers that have the API package and have enabled this feature. (Updated every 3 minutes)
        • Revamped Website About Page.
        • Made changes to the Command Page's navigation side-bar
        • Made changes to the Terms of Service Page's navigation side-bar
        • Added a scroll back to top button on all pages that you can scroll down on.

        🐛 ⠀ Bug Fixes
        • Fixed voters message appearing blank when no one voted, made it not send at all.
        • And other, non important bug fixes.

        Version 1.8.5 (Minor)

        • Addition of Website changelog dating back to 1.7.0 ~ Check Discord for further versions!
        • Additional Bug Fixes.

        Version 1.8.4 (Minor)

        • Fixed a rolled back file issue in 1.8.3 causing custom welcome messages to not render correctly.
        • Added {user} tag to custom welcome messages.

        Version 1.8.3 (Minor)

          • Updated /help with new commands from 1.8.0
          • Refreshed website logos, left background the same, as an homage to the old logo.
          Bug Fixes:
          • Fixed -whois command so that instead of showing your profile when no user was found, it now just says no user was found.
          • Added failsafes to -purge command spam.

          Version 1.8.2 (Minor)

          • Due to some misconceptions about the "Linking" channels configurations, the text around them have been changed to "Mention channels"
          • This insinuates that instead of sending a link to a channel (Not what you were supposed to do), you send a mention to a channel. Ex: #channel-name

          Version 1.8.1 (Minor)

          • Fixed an await error showing everyone having premium in the whois & -w commands
          • Fixed a similar await error showing that no one has premium in the -profile command.

          • Note: This was a "graphical" glitch, and had no effect on the actual premium databases.

          Version 1.8.0 (Major)

            🔔 ⠀New Additions
            • Added premium!
            • Added /infraction edit {user} {infraction id} (Suggested by: teamsghtnth6)
            • Added /request {online, moderation, administration, custom} - Staff Request (Configuration needed!)
            • Added -purge {number} (Manage Messages permission needed!)
            • Added ability to change the bots prefix (Configuration needed!) (Suggested by: saadalhajraf)

            💎 ⠀Premium Additions
            • Customization over welcome message (Configuration needed!)
            • Customization over infractions embed (Configuration needed!)
            • Custom /request types (Configuration needed!)
            • Additional support server abilities
              • Get started with /premium!

            ⭐ ⠀ Changes
            • Added official beta testing. Hand selected at the moment.
            • Gave Central a new look, enjoy the new logo!

            Version 1.7.1 (Minor)

              In preparation for the big update coming soon™️, we have corrected some bugs that have become apparent:
              • Session vote not pinging @here even if the configuration was set to "yes"
              • Bot restarting unexpectedly with slash command usage
              • Bot crashing when help command was run (caused by a deleted emoji :/ )
              • And more, unimportant fixes.

              Version 1.7.0 (Major)

              • Added Custom Embeds! 🎉
              • Can be configured in /config

              • Added Suggestions 🎉
              • Must be configured in /config

              • Enhanced infraction and promotion embeds
              • Added reaction logs to action log system
              • And major bug fixes!

              Further Versions are listed in the Discord's Update Channel.